"Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him. Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior's hand. How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them." Psalm 127:3-5

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Advent Activities Day 15 and 16

Advent Activity Day 15- We learned about young David defeating Goliath. David knew (REALLY KNEW) that God was going to defeat that giant. For our activity we used stones (just like David used to defeat the giant) to make a cross (just like God used to defeat Satan) ornament.  This one didn't turn out like I expected, though. I used flimsy cardboard (old cereal box) for the cross background and it just isn't holding up.  It looks like we will be doing this again with foam board or a thick cardboard. Live and learn, right?  The natural aquarium gravel (stones) looks so pretty. I will post updated pics when we try this again with stronger board.

Advent Activity Day 16- we learned about a shepherd boy turned king (King David). We learned how David loved God,and even though he made some big mistakes he turned his heart back toward God. We also learned about Jesus, the Good Shepherd.  We had a candy cane (shepherd staff) hunt.  The boys loved it. I will have to let you know when we find the last candy cane, though.  I seriously have no idea where I hid it.

they really didn't see this one for several minutes. it was quite humorous.

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