"Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him. Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior's hand. How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them." Psalm 127:3-5

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Advent Activities Day 13 and 14

Advent Activity Day 13- We learned about Joshua and the battle of Jericho and how God's battle plan was different than anyone expected. We made a horn (since they used horns in the 'battle') and we ate Bugles (get it? horn shaped).  We were also supposed to watch Josh and the Big Wall (Veggie Tales version of the battle of Jericho) but never quite got around to that.  Busy week.

Advent Activity Day 14- We did this one on a playdate at my sister's house. We learned about King Saul and how he had turned away from God, so God chose a new king. Since Saul's heart turned 'cold' toward God we did a 'cold' weather activity.  We had an indoor snowball fight  (cotton balls). We were also going to make snow out of 1 can of shaving cream and 2 boxes of cornstarch but everyone was too busy playing so that will wait for another day.

(By the way, I know that some of these Bible lessons don't seem to point to Christmas, but they all point to Jesus and waiting for him in some way, especially using the Jesus Storybook Bible.)


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