"Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him. Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior's hand. How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them." Psalm 127:3-5

Sunday, August 22, 2010

It's a Madhouse

Some crazy stuff going on here. Last week I was taking Declan out of his high chair and I threw my back out. I mean out! I couldn't even walk. It hurt BAD! I couldn't get up from a chair for two days, so I pretty much stood all day long. After a steriod shot, a chiropractic adjustment, and tons of ice and pain meds, I am feeling alot better. Carmen hurt her elbow the same day I hurt my back. Thank God it is sprained and not broken. We keep fighting for the ice pack. I always loose. Also on the same day, Logan developed and ear infection in his ear canal. Not a normal ear infection. We spent the entire next day at various doc appts. Gabe came along too, to get an xray. He had accidently swallowed a video game token from Scallywag Tag the week before. We hadn't seen it come out the other end (although we didn't really look all that well) so we decided to have it checked. Wouldn't you know it, that coin is still stuck in his stomach. After consulting with the GI and our family doc, the urgent care doc decided that we should wait two more weeks then get another xray. We will see what happens. We are already under financial attack and now this strange attack on our family's health. Enough, Satan. In Jesus name we have authority over you. Leave our family alone!

As I tell Declan every night after we pray, "God is good." I will choose to focus on him and not my circumstances. These afflictions eclipsed by glory.

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