"Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him. Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior's hand. How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them." Psalm 127:3-5

Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Lesson on Success

My husband and I teach the 5th and 6th graders at church twice a month. Today, we taught about God's law and how success is based on our viewpoint and whether it agrees with God's viewpoint or not. To illustrate this, we read in 1 Samuel about a time when King Saul was chasing David to try to kill him. God's favor was upon David and Saul was jeaolous and selfish. He couldn't stand how everyone respected and honored David and in his jealousy, Saul wanted to kill him. One day, Saul went into a cave to use the bathroom (the kids love hearing about that part-especially the boys) where David and his men were hiding. David's men encouraged him to take that opportunity to kill Saul, even saying that God put Saul into David's hands for that purpose. Here is the part that floors me. Saul was trying to KILL David. David was on the run in fear for his life. Yet given the opportunity for revenge, he chose instead to honor the very man who was trying to kill him. He cut a piece of cloth from Saul's gown just to show Saul that he could've killed him but chose instead not to. David knew that God had put Saul into authority over him and no matter what, it was his job to honor Saul. David laid face down in honor to the man who was so full of hate and jealousy that he was trying to murder him. Wow! How many of us can say that?

I have to say, I truly struggle with authority. I am not a rebel by any means. In fact, I really like rules and following them. However, I have a real problem honoring those in authority over me when I feel that they are flat out wrong, or even when their intentions are honorable but their approach isn't the best. I have often found myself being disrespectful to those in authority over me in my attitude towards them, in my gossip and complaining about them, and even in my unforgiveness toward them. In doing so, I was sinning against them and against God. Lord, forgive me for my selfishness, unforgiveness, and pride. Forgive me for my hateful attitude and my hard heart. Teach me to honor those you place in authority over me and open my heart to learn obedience, respect, and forgiveness.

While we were teaching about Saul trying to kill David, one student asked, "Was he successful?" Obviously we need to work on getting into God's word a little more, but it was a poignant question. Saul, who followed his own selfish viewpoint, was not successful in killing David. David, who followed God's viewpoint in honoring those in authority and offering forgiveness to the man trying to kill him, became a great King. It is true that, "To be successful in life, you have to be aware of how things really are." (a quote from today's lesson) The truth, how things really are, is found in God's word. My interpretation of how things are is not good enough. My sinful nature interprets things in a way that benefits me and it is distorted and warped. God's truth found in His Word is never changing. It is always the same, always true, the way things really are. I must see that in order to be successful. I must have God's viewpoint, not my own, just like David did in the Old Testament.

I always think it is funny how God uses the kid's Bible lesson that I am teaching to teach me. Anytime I think I am not qualified to teach sunday school because I don't know enough about the Bible, I just remember this. Maybe God wants to teach me something and he is using a kid's lesson to do it. Not all lessons are learned by listening. Some are learned by doing.

1 comment:

Pastor Terry said...

What a great lesson from a gift writer! Thanks for the post.

Terry Michaels