"Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him. Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior's hand. How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them." Psalm 127:3-5

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Moving Slow Today

Funny how God works sometimes. On Monday night and all day Tuesday I cried out to Him because I was totally and completely fried. I pretty much do everything around the house, I was not feeling well, I have been nursing sick kids and hubby (not to mention myself) on and off for months, the walls were closing in on me, I had a to do list a mile long with no possible way to get it all done, and I was sick of everyone in the family doing the bare minimum around here and sick of the tv and computer getting in the way of serving each other and helping out. This morning (Thursday) I woke up with all of my joints swollen, stiff, and achy (like full body arthritis). I am pretty sure it is a complication to Fifth Disease, which I am just getting over. I can't even turn a doorknob or lift a full glass. (Typing is proving to be quite a challengs as well.) Needless to say everyone in the house is getting a taste of what it means to do their part, and I am learning to slow down and to delegate. God has a way of making things happen in unexpected ways. I prayed for help around here and I am getting it. I just didn't expect to be temporarily crippled in the process. I am thankful for answered prayers even with this unexpected answer.

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