"Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him. Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior's hand. How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them." Psalm 127:3-5

Thursday, January 17, 2013

I Hate Exercise!

Ok, that is not totally fair. There are a few things that are quite active that I actually enjoy, such as hiking and swimming and dancing.  I don't call those things exercise, though. They are just fun.  I just don't get to do them very often (like less than once or twice a year) so they technically cannot be considered exercise anyway.  And since I have zero time to myself, no extra money for a gym membership, and I don't have a disco, pool, or hiking trails in my backyard, I just don't get that much exercise.  I can always try the old standby- exercise dvds. But I really hate exercising just for the sake checking exercise off of my mental to-do list. B O R I N G!  Not to mention the fact that I am always so sore afterwards. And I am a huge wimp. I hate pain.  Sore is definitely something I do NOT wish to be.  However, as my scale has started creeping up to a number I never thought it would go, I am forced to re evaluate my stance on exercise.  I am dusting off those old boring dvds. I am jogging in place while watching tv.  I am trying some booty lifting exercises (ok, I only tried it once just this morning and I discovered something... you know those muscles make you leave the ground when you jump? well, mine don't work anymore). And I am fidgeting as much as possible (fidgeting burns calories, you know).  Along with all of this I am considering something new and different type of exercise.  I am thinking about buying a bellydancing workout dvd.

So, let me make a list of pros and cons to try to talk myself into this.

  • it looks fun and different
  • it is exercise
  • it is something I can do in the privacy of my own home
  • it might help me embrace my most embarrassing feature (my flab.. I mean abs)
  • it costs less than a gym membership
  • I might learn some sexy moves that my hubby will enjoy

  • it is exercise
  • I have teenagers (who will likely laugh while I am doing this and might even post a video of me attempting to do it on my facebook page)
  • it is exercise
  • I will be forced to embrace and maybe even reveal my most embarrassing feature
  • it is exercise
  • I do not want my hubby watching the video. I will never, ever be as sexy as the instructor and I do not want him to have that mental comparison.
  • it is exercise
Did I mention that I hate to exercise?  


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