"Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him. Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior's hand. How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them." Psalm 127:3-5

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Food Allergies

Declan has food allergies. I took him to the doc several weeks ago for a possible kidney infection. Urine tests and blood work showed no kidney infection but one of his white cell counts was elevated and it usually is associated with allergies. A few days later at his 3 year checkup, I mentioned a rash that he had on his arms, legs, and butt. He has had that rash for a year or two. I thought it was dry skin but NOTHING worked. Doc said the rash is often associated with food allergies so he ordered a blood test. I didn't really think it would show anything. But I got a voicemail last night that he is allergic to wheat, dairy, and egg whites. The dairy allergy is low. The other two are on the low end of moderate. But he wants me to eliminate all of those from his diet. As I was walking around the grocery store last night I realized how hard that would be. Especially since I am all about convenience foods for breakfast and lunch. Eating out is going to be next to impossible. And how are we going to be able to tell him no pizza or cheese. He LOVES those. I am really hoping that this is only temporary. Most kids outgrow these allergies. But this is going to be hard. I am wondering if I should ask for further testing. They only tested for a few common allergens. They didn't even test tree nuts and they didn't do a scratch test.

And now I am a nervous wreck about the other kids. Should I have them tested as well? What about myself? All of us have some symptom of food allergies. But they are also symptoms of so many other things as well. Gabe has rashes all the time. He has a history of anemia, headaches, and poor growth. And he has a mood disorder. Carmen also has a mood disorder, joint pain, asthma, high blood pressure, and headaches. I have eczema. Logan doesn't really have any of those but he does have strong food cravings for wheat and dairy (another sign of allergy) and we were told we should consider testing years ago.

It is not like me to fret like this. I am just so overwhelmed right now.

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