"Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him. Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior's hand. How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them." Psalm 127:3-5

Friday, December 12, 2014

Advent Activities Day 11 and 12

Advent Activity Day 11- We learned about how God protected the Israelites as the left Egypt and crossed the Red Sea and how Moses and Miriam danced and played the tambourine and praised God. We made our own musical instruments and played them to Christmas music to praise God. Then, of course, since these are boys we are talking about, they made up their own little Christmas song. It goes like this.... "Jingle Bells, Declan smells, Carmen laid and egg. The Declan mobile lost its wheel and Weston got away." Hey, could've been worse, right?

 Advent Activity Day 12- Today we learned about the Israelites wondering in the dessert and how God provided for them even though they didn't fully trust Him, and how he provides everything we need, including a perfect savior. We ate 'manna' from heaven (also known as frosted flakes) and watched a Christmas movie. However, the boys are feeling better. So much so, that they were too hyper to focus on the movie so I kicked them out. They are currently outside playing and picking up sticks from the yard (they are young enough to think that is a fun activity.)

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