I experienced severe morning sickness the ENTIRE pregnancy. I was miserable. I lost 15 pounds, which was not a good thing since I was already underweight. I eventually gained 20 pounds (meaning I only gained 5 pounds total for the entire pregnancy). I was so tiny my whole pregnancy that I never wore maternity clothes and no one at work knew I was pregnant even though I wore a swimsuit all day. Carmen was due on Superbowl Sunday January 29th. Being new to the whole pregnancy/childbirth thing, I was quite surprise and totally unprepared when my water broke very early in the morning on the 10th. We rushed to pack our bags and head to the hospital (which was literally 2 blocks away) and then we waited. I ended up getting an epidural because I just couldn't handle the pain and wasn't dilating. They told me to rest for a few hours but in no time I started feeling nauseous and the nurse knew that it was time. Carmen was delivered a few minutes later. She was so beautiful. I couldn't believe how little and perfect she was. Eleven years later, while delivering her brother Gabe, we ran into the nurse who had helped deliver her. How cool is that!

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