I don't like to exercise. I mean, I REALLY don't like to exercise. I have always said that I would rather be fat than exercise. So, why have I started working out everyday? I am not quite sure. But for some unknown reason I have dusted off my basic walking video for beginners and have been walking a mile in my own living room almost every day for two weeks. I have realized a few things about myself during this time of sweating and toning. First of all, I still really dislike exercise and I find it dreadfully boring. Secondly, I would not survive on The Biggest Loser Ranch for more than 10 minutes. And finally, I need to get off my tush and start moving more, because this easy 1 mile workout is KICKING MY BUTT! I am not hoping to loose a ton of weight with this workout. I am just hoping to be able to be more active without pain and exhaustion. (Of course it would be nice to loose a few inches off my waist and tone my rear end a little.)
I have many exercise videos collecting dust on the shelf. But I never use them. For one thing, I can't get through the entire workout on most of them. They are definitely meant for non beginners. And nothing makes me want to quit working out more than watching skinny, muscled ladies in skimpy, tight clothing bouncing around on tv. Not to mention the fact that I don't want my teenage son to see those tiny ladies wearing tinier outfits. So,I just ordered a new dvd that features women who actually look like they need to work out. I look forward to using it. Well, I can't really say that I look forward to it because I dislike exercise in general. But I look forward to feeling like I fit in while I work out.